
6 04, 2019

Money Trees

By |2021-11-17T22:28:32+00:00April 6th, 2019|Buyers, Sellers|

Money doesn’t grow on trees, which is unfortunate because anytime you even sneeze at a tree in your yard, it’s basically going to cost money. The cost of managing the trees around your home or in your yard depends on [...]

25 03, 2019

Curb Appeal for Your Budget

By |2021-11-18T15:06:28+00:00March 25th, 2019|Sellers|

It’s not the outside appearance, it’s the inside that counts. Except when it comes to your house. Even if you’ve got Italian carrera marble bathrooms and a custom-built kitchen upgrade, potential buyers see an ugly façade and won’t manage to [...]

8 02, 2019

How to Find a Real Estate Agent

By |2019-02-08T19:45:46+00:00February 8th, 2019|Buyers, Sellers|

The hardest part of any task is getting started, and buying and selling real estate is no exception. Before you begin ‘Marie-Kondo-ing’, packing boxes, or even browsing online for a future home, you should be looking for a real estate [...]

28 08, 2018

Troubleshooting Your Water Heater

By |2018-08-28T17:58:37+00:00August 28th, 2018|Sellers|

  Is home ownership easy? Nope. Is it worth it? Absolutely. Here are some common problems that come up with water heaters.   "My water is rusty." If the water only turns rusty when you are running hot water, your water [...]

22 07, 2018

Road Map to Renovation

By |2018-07-22T01:30:29+00:00July 22nd, 2018|Buyers, Sellers|

  Knowing you want to renovate is often the easiest step of the home improvement process. Deciding what to renovate, where to spend your money, and whether or not to do it yourself are more complex parts of the process. Here [...]

1 03, 2018

Selling a City Home

By |2018-03-01T08:13:21+00:00March 1st, 2018|Sellers|

  The art of selling a quirky home, especially one in the city where real estate can be…extra quirky…is more than writing an adjective laden listing. After all, everyone knows cute means small. Instead, here are a few real solutions [...]

14 11, 2017

Renting or Selling

By |2017-11-14T10:45:43+00:00November 14th, 2017|Sellers|

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Maybe it was the second glass of wine, but when you had to listen Rob Schmobb talk about how he converted his former home into an income property, it seemed like a tempting idea. Forgo the hassle and risk of [...]

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